⚡ Frank Villaro-Dixon's website
Programming projects
Although I’m quite bad at programming, I love Python and I’ve come to make some quite (to me) useful libraries:
PyKorm: A fun attempt at building a Kubernetes ORM in python
elevation-api.eu: An open & free elevation API
Python Daikin Altherma: An API to Daikin Altherma heat-pumps
Python V.E. Direct: Parser of Victon VE.Direct frames
Python Tipee: CLI for tipee.ch HR tool
Python DDS 328: Library for reading DDS238 like modbus power meters
Python HHC N10: Library for talking with HHC-N10 network power switches
Python Pylontech: Parser/Library to communicate with Pylontech US2000 batteries
Python SAIH Hidrosur: API for SAIH Hidrosur’s website
And also some rustlings:
- ramlink: RAM-based, producer-consumer, one-way communication, using a ring buffer
- Daikin Altherma: An API to Daikin Altherma heat-pumps, in Rust this time
30 Jun 2024 POC
ramlink: UART through AVR's UPDI
Using AVR’s Universal Programming and Debug Intreface (UPDI) as serial communication. A fun library in in rust
30 Apr 2024 finished
While doing some Q&A for OSM, I needed to query the elevation of a huge number of points. There are some existing free APIs out there, but they were either too slow, or using rather “OLD” datasets (ASTER for example). So as the European Space Agency created a good DEM (Copernicus) which is open data, I decided to serve it as an API to everyone, for free :-) You can access the service here: elevation-api.